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Final Act Drama Talent
Casting Calls

Submission Instructions

Thank you for submitting for the roles as advertised.  Details for each project are listed below under “Current Casting Calls”.  Follow these steps to submit yourself for the acting project you would like to be considered for.  Agency fees do apply for jobs you are cast in!  Thanks for submitting to Final Act Drama Talent! 
  1.  Fill out the form below to hear about future casting calls.
  3. Please submit by sending the following information in an email to: 
  4. In the Subject Line, put this information in this order:  Project name – Role you are submitting for – Your Full Name – Final Act Drama Talent.
  5. Actor’s Headshot (PDF or JPG)
  6. Actor’s Resume (PDF) 
  7. First and Last Name:
  8. Current Address:
  9. Mobile Phone Number:
  10. Best Email Address:
  11. Availability for the shoot dates as listed in the job description.
  12.  Union Status
  13. Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color
  14.  Wardrobe Sizes:  Jacket, Shirt, Pants, Etc.

Sign up for future Casting Calls

Final Act Drama provides talent for projects in TV, Film, and Commercials!  Sign up below to hear about casting calls.

Projects we cast our Talent in!

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-Online Training Courses: Industry leading actor training designed to get you acting faster than you can imagine!
-Actor Mentorship / Private Coaching: Here is how you fast track your career. One on One coaching and career advice from one of our veteran acting coaches.
-Actor Insiders Group: Join actors from across the country in monthly training sessions. Network with industry pros and gain discounts on Merchandise and classes.

Current Casting Calls!

No projects currently casting!

Past Casting Calls!

Feature Film “Buddy” – NON-UNION

Executive Producer: Cornelius Muller
Producer: Joseph Gray, Alex Stevens
Casting Director: Joseph Gray
Shoot Date(s): 11/27/2023 through 12/20/2023
Shoot Location: Burlington, NC & surrounding areas
Additional Notes:
*MODIFIED LOCAL HIRE – Travel WILL NOT BE PROVIDED by production to the Burlington, NC area. However, once you arrive, production WILL PROVIDE: meals, crafty on set, ground transportation (as needed) AND accommodations.  
*This is a faith-based, feature film based on the real life events of a man with Cerebral Palsy, who is still alive & trying to spread his message of hope & faith with a presumed PG rating, as we are making a family-friendly film.
[BUDDY] Lead Role
20 to 30 years old, White Male
Note: Since BUDDY has Cerebral Palsy, preference will be given to actors with CP but all actors in this age range and ethnicity should submit.
$225/ day rate LEAD
[OLDER BUDDY] (This is the older version of the Lead)
60’s, White Male
Note: Since BUDDY has Cerebral Palsy, preference will be given to actors with CP but all actors in this age range and ethnicity should submit.
SUPPORTING Approx. 1-3 days on set.
$200/ day rate LEAD
Buddy is thoughtful, lovable & humorous. His CP makes getting around & other such “typical” mundane tasks difficult. However, he is verbal & understood when communicating. Buddy can walk on his own & take care of himself… unfortunately, since the day he was born, people have been telling Buddy he wouldn’t amount to anything other than a burden on society. But, despite what life throws at him, Buddy is determined to both take care of himself AND be a blessing to others!
Born with Cerebral Palsy, he was referred to as not “worth saving” from the moment he came into this world. But, driven by a pursuit for purpose, BUDDY fought through relentless obstacles & set-backs to be used by God as a blessing to others.
“I’m thankful God looked beyond my faults, heard my plea & gave me the health & strength to be able to make a living… I’m not looking for a handout but I’m looking for a way that God can use me to help others.” — BUDDY
Submission instructions for all projects are at the top of this page!
Chosen actors will be asked to submit self-taped auditions

EXTRAS CASTING CALL for a TV Commercial 

EXTRAS CASTING CALL for a TV Commercial filming in Norfolk, VA on September 26 and 27, 2023.
Talent should only be needed for a couple of hours.
Looking for Extras – Rate – $100.00 – $200.00
Final Act Drama will be representing you in this project.
Agency commissions will apply.
Hispanic Male, 25-30 (Nurse) $200 Shoots 9/26/2023
White Male,25-30 (Father) $100 Shoots 9/26/2023
White Female, 25-30 (Pregnant mother) $200 Shoots 9/27/2023
Hispanic Female, 25-35 (Call Center worker) $100 Shoots 9/27/2023
White Female, 60-70 (Patient) $100 Shoots 9/27/2023
Hispanic Female, 25-30 (Nurse) $100 Shoots 9/26/2023
Black Male, 60-70 (Patient) $100 Shoots 9/26/2023

Submission Instructions:

Please note your availability during the shooting dates listed above.
Please submit by sending your headshot and resume to:

Also Include:  Contact information and best email address.  You must be willing to work as a local to Norfolk.   If you don’t have a headshot, send a current picture.


– Paid Rate – Varied by roles
Final Act Drama will be representing you in this project. Agency commissions will apply.  NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!

SUBMIT BY MAY 21, 2023
send to: Audition files, and contact information to
SUBJECT LINE: “Your Name_Final Act Drama”
Attach an MP3 file labeled “character name_your name_FAD” . Record a good audition from your home studio setup or you can use your iPhone to record.
Slate your name at the end.
In the body of the email put your name, and the role (or roles) you think you would fit best.

Story Synopsis |

Set in a fantasy world, a young warrior sets out on an adventure to solve a dark mystery, as he faces his doubts and rises to become a powerful A’TAKA Knight.
All talent must be 18yrs or older to submit.

PERFORMANCE DIRECTIONS:        All voices should sound REAL and GROUNDED in reality. No cartoon voices. Trust the natural qualities of your voice, and speak with authenticity and sincerity. The voices of the actors should ground the animation in genuine humanity. For round 1 of auditions, all actors in the same age-range will be reading the same 3 scenes to help us get a feel for your natural vocal signature, and the dynamics within your voice. – For callbacks we will be using character-specific sides.
Record each scene separately and attach as 3 separate Mp3 audio files. Put the scene
number at the end of each file name:
Please see breakdown for character specifics. But as a general rule:  Actors who sound approximately 18-24, read “SIDES_YOUNG ADULT” (Sides below)
Actors who sound more mature, read “SIDES_MATURE ADULTS” (Sides below)
Roles & Sides: See sides below for breakdowns, corresponding sides, and rates.

Recording: July, near Charlottesville, VA. Exact dates TBD.


EXTRAS CASTING CALL for a TV Commercial filming in Norfolk, VA on September 26 and 27, 2023.
Talent should only be needed for a couple of hours.
Looking for Extras – Rate – $100.00 – $200.00
Final Act Drama will be

EXTRAS CASTING CALL for a TV Commercial 

EXTRAS CASTING CALL for a TV Commercial filming in Norfolk, VA on September 26 and 27, 2023.
Talent should only be needed for a couple of hours.
Looking for Extras – Rate – $100.00 – $200.00
Final Act Drama will be representing you in this project.
Agency commissions will apply.
Hispanic Male, 25-30 (Nurse) $200 Shoots 9/26/2023
White Male,25-30 (Father) $100 Shoots 9/26/2023
White Female, 25-30 (Pregnant mother) $200 Shoots 9/27/2023
Hispanic Female, 25-35 (Call Center worker) $100 Shoots 9/27/2023
White Female, 60-70 (Patient) $100 Shoots 9/27/2023
Hispanic Female, 25-30 (Nurse) $100 Shoots 9/26/2023
Black Male, 60-70 (Patient) $100 Shoots 9/26/2023

Submission Instructions:

Please note your availability during the shooting dates listed above.
Please submit by sending your headshot and resume to:

Also Include:  Contact information and best email address.  You must be willing to work as a local to Norfolk.   If you don’t have a headshot, send a current picture.


– Paid Rate – Varied by roles
Final Act Drama will be representing you in this project. Agency commissions will apply.  NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!

SUBMIT BY MAY 21, 2023
send to: Audition files, and contact information to
SUBJECT LINE: “Your Name_Final Act Drama”
Attach an MP3 file labeled “character name_your name_FAD” . Record a good audition from your home studio setup or you can use your iPhone to record.
Slate your name at the end.
In the body of the email put your name, and the role (or roles) you think you would fit best.

Story Synopsis |

Set in a fantasy world, a young warrior sets out on an adventure to solve a dark mystery, as he faces his doubts and rises to become a powerful A’TAKA Knight.
All talent must be 18yrs or older to submit.

PERFORMANCE DIRECTIONS:        All voices should sound REAL and GROUNDED in reality. No cartoon voices. Trust the natural qualities of your voice, and speak with authenticity and sincerity. The voices of the actors should ground the animation in genuine humanity. For round 1 of auditions, all actors in the same age-range will be reading the same 3 scenes to help us get a feel for your natural vocal signature, and the dynamics within your voice. – For callbacks we will be using character-specific sides.
Record each scene separately and attach as 3 separate Mp3 audio files. Put the scene
number at the end of each file name:
Please see breakdown for character specifics. But as a general rule:  Actors who sound approximately 18-24, read “SIDES_YOUNG ADULT” (Sides below)
Actors who sound more mature, read “SIDES_MATURE ADULTS” (Sides below)
Roles & Sides: See sides below for breakdowns, corresponding sides, and rates.

Recording: July, near Charlottesville, VA. Exact dates TBD.

Kuro — male. late teens/ 20’s Confident, charismatic, and good-natured. Effortlessly likable. Determined – but not brash sounding. A young knight-in-training, determined to become an elite A’Taka warrior, but finds himself coming up short. Relentless in his goals, and exceedingly loyal to his friends. A little Peter Parker-esque. (Note: while not a requirement for the roles, we would love to cast “in-real-life” best/good friends to play Kuro and Kyuzo, because it would bring that natural “best-friends chemistry” to the story. Grab a friend and submit together!)
Kyuzo — male. Late teens/ young adult (20’s) Sarcastic (endearingly). Charming, confident, and kind. Lighthearted, but serious when necessary. Leader of the A’Taka knights and Kuro’s best friend/mentor. Fights for his kingdom to succeed, and is driven by the success of those around him: a great leader. (Note: while not a requirement for the roles, we would love to cast “in-real-life” best/good friends to play Kuro and Kyuzo, because it would bring that natural “best-friends chemistry” to the story. Grab a friend and submit together!)
Toki — female. Late teens/ young adult (early 20’s) Very charismatic and charming. Slightly lower to mid-range vocal tone; a smooth voice. Kind, upbeat and heartfelt. A young pilot trying to cure her Jungle home which has been corrupted by dark magic.
Jashu – male. Adult Mid (20’s) Strong and kind. Soft yet confident tone. Thoughtful and considerate. He’s a good friend you’d want to have a deep conversation with. An undefeated underground ring fighter. Somewhat hardened by his time in the ring, but retains a heart of gold. Connected deeply to his moral compass, he will do the right thing above all.
Akuto — male. Adult. Mid-late 20’s Bold and talkative. Snappy and to the point. Happy, and incredibly charismatic. Someone you’d love to get a drink with. He’s a lot of fun but serious and passionate about his goals when needed. – Has a hybrid Jersey/Bostonian accent (somewhat of a character voice). Someone with one of those accents natively is preferable, though. Leader of a desert rebellion, alongside his crew of bandits. Once a criminal, but now motivated by stopping a secret corruption, determined to bring justice to the town of Atsuki.
SIDE 1 – CHARISMA Read for CHARACTER 1, with the focus being injecting CHARISMA & CHARM into the words. TWO CHARACTERS are walking down the streets of their city, in the midst of a discussion about the best food in the area. CHARACTER 1: (laughing) What? No way– you’re kidding me. The Pankai rolls at the corner market are the best. CHARACTER 2: What are you talking about? It’s definitely the shop on 5th Street. You tried those? CHARACTER 1: They’re alright… but these are like… perfect. Hold on, right here. I’m tellin’ you, this place is fantastic. SIDE 2 – EMOTION Read for CHARACTER 2, with the focus being on EMOTIONAL RANGE and INTENSITY. TWO CHARACTERS, parent and child (child is a young adult) are in an argument about the merits of the war they’re fighting in. CHARACTER 1: Look, I’m giving you a second chance here… Okay? You need to step up. CHARACTER 2: Step up? Step up?! You put me on a kingdom-defining mission when I was just a kid! What did you expect me to do? Oh, and Katari? Katari’s been our friend, even when we all know they could have wiped us out like THAT if they wanted to. And now that they’re down you’re just stomping them… further into the dirt. I don’t want to be a part of it. Not anymore. SIDE 3 – BASELINE/SERIOUS Read for CHARACTER 1, with the focus being on giving a steady and measured performance. Speak with conviction but not overstatedly. This is the end of a monologue about the origins of the A’Taka knights, the most powerful group of warriors in the world. CHARACTER 1: But such raw power required protectors. That’s when the A’Taka were born. The A’Taka — 12 Warriors devoted to fighting for truth, peace and justice, keeping the world safe for those within it. So when you fight, you fight with honor. When you use the powers you’ve been given, use them with dignity — because you’re the protectors of the world. What would we do without you?


Iko — male. (50’s-60’s)

Intelligent but down-to-earth. Moments of great intensity in this character, balanced by
thoughtfulness and intelligence that are endearing and measured. (a voice reference: Patrick Fabian in Better Call Saul).
Second-in-command of the kingdom of Katari, and the creator of the A’Taka, and mentor to the
young warriors. For the most part, kind and genuinely cares about the A’Taka.

Master Shujo — male. Older (60’s-70’s)
A bit gruff and cynical, but holds tremendous respect for the A’Taka and the traditional way of
the sword. He’s a master sword crafter.

Maisho — Male. Late 70s/80s.
Steady voice. Evokes a feeling of stability, peace and clarity. (a voice reference: Mako in Avatar:
The Last Airbender)
Maisho is the spirit of an ancient master, residing in a dream-like past version of the kingdom he
grew up in.

King Mosu – male. Adult. (30s-40s.)
A smooth talker, very persuasive and engaging.
The ruler of a desert kingdom, who comes across as genuine, kind and just, but is actually
conniving and corrupt.

Queen Lani — female. Adult (mid-late 30’s)
Firm and strong, yet also kind and considerate. She holds composure but is also much warmer
than may be expected. Her vocal tone should be very smooth.
Queen Lani is the ruler of Katari.

King Nokano — male. Mature adult (mid 40’s)
A bit cocky and stubborn, but also thoughtful and measured when necessary. A fatherly,
somewhat straight-arrow vocal tone.
King Nokano is the ruler of the kingdom of Irmitar.

Ukai — male. Mature adult (early 50’s)
Warm, kind, and a bit weathered. (a voice reference: Carl Weathers in The Mandalorian)
The last remaining original A’Taka knight who is soon retiring.

General Fumi — male (mid 30’s)
Not very nice; a bit of a brute.
Leader of the “Rukotel” knights clan, his main goal is mission success.

Warlord Fukimo — male (30’s-50’s)
Cold, calculating and ill-tempered. He’s a war strategist trying to help win the war for Irmitar.

Warlord Masato — male. (30’s-50’s)
Cold, calculating and ill-tempered, but more of a smart conversation dominator, who the king
favors at a higher level.
He’s a war strategist trying to help win the war for Irmitar.


Read for CHARACTER 1, with the focus being to show a somewhat
charismatic, lighthearted side of your voice.
TWO CHARACTERS are leaning on the railing of a balcony, overlooking a
beautiful sunset vista of the kingdom.

CHARACTER 1: (smiling) It was good to see you
again… I guess this is it for a while.
CHARACTER 2: Guess it is.

CHARACTER 1: You’re gonna take good care of this
place while I’m away, right?

CHARACTER 2: (peacefully) I’ll do my best.

Read for CHARACTER 2, with the focus being on EMOTIONAL RANGE and
TWO CHARACTERS are standing off, swords drawn, ready to fight.
Character 2 is hidden behind a mask…

CHARACTER 1: Who are you?

CHARACTER 2: Who am I? I’m the war necessary to
bring the peace. I’m the vengeance around every
corner, the shadow whose weapon is a swift and
deadly sword. The justice that this world needs.
I’m fixing the world, and no one… NO ONE–
(breath shaky)–is gonna stand in my way.

Read for CHARACTER 1, with the focus being on giving a steady and
measured performance. Speak with conviction but not overstatedly.

This is the end of a monologue about the origins of the A’Taka
knights, the most powerful group of warriors in the world.
CHARACTER 1: But such raw power required
protectors. That’s when the A’Taka were born. The
A’Taka — 12 Warriors devoted to fighting for
truth, peace and justice, keeping the world safe
for those within it. So when you fight, you fight
with honor. When you use the powers you’ve been
given, use them with dignity — because you’re
the protectors of the world. What would we do
without you?

Disney – Open Casting Call for new project DISNEY CASTING NOTICE: Searching for a SPECIAL GIRL & BOY. There are NO fees to attend casting calls or to submit online. OPEN TO ALL KIDS WHO WANT TO TRY!GIRL: To portray a precocious 7 – 10 yr old (to play 8) who is brunette w/brown eyes. BOY: To portray a precocious 7 – 10 yr old (to play 8) who is blond w/blue eyes.NYC – Sun, Nov 24 (1p – 8p) Gibney Dance Center, 53A Chambers St, NY, NY 10007 (MUST enter at 53A Chambers St)MN (MALL OF AMERICA) – Sat, Dec 14 (11a – 5p) 410 East Broadway, Bloomington, MN 55425 (Level 4, East; Mall of America, Executive Center) Candidates MUST be accompanied by an adult. Bring non-returnable photo, if possible. Come anytime during posted hours (wait time determined by turnout)!PRE-REGISTER for an open call to save time: Send a NEW email to (not a reply to another email). Subj line: “Pre-Registration Request for XXX (name of candidate), open call city (NYC or MPLS).” In email: Incl name, age, date-of-birth, city/state & current photo of candidate (not professional; just a snap shot pls), PLUS name of parent/guardian, phone #, email & confirm WHICH open call you will attend (NYC or MPLS)!Check website (below) for updates/changes to open calls.Submit online: FOLLOW STEPS IN ORDER on website (1, 2 & 3. Then SUBMIT your audition. Click “New to Cast-It” or whatever the case may be! Pay attention to STEP #2 to receive taping instructions & sides).During your slate and other submission documents, you will be listing FINAL ACT DRAMA TALENT as your talent agent / representation.We share our notices so EVERYONE gets a chance to audition! If you’re right for a role, follow instructions. If not, FWD, share, refer or delete!We’re not accepting submissions for other roles at this time! Check our social accounts for updates!
We don’t want to lose track of anyone! You may reach out if you have referrals (people, organizations, etc, that may know great candidates)!
The Producer is committed to providing equal employment opportunity & prohibits all forms of unlawful discrimination & harassment based upon ages 40 or over, ancestry, color, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, mental or physical disability, military & veteran status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or any other basis protected by law.

Showtime casting – The Good Lord Bird
This is a courtesy posting informing those on the Final Act Drama mailing list of an acting opportunity as described below. Please contact Carol Grant Casting for more information on how to register and submit.
They are seeking all ethnicities and ages that have yet to work on “The Good Lord Bird”.
They are still casting additional city townspeople, merchants, Vendors and train passengers.
Casting both SAG Members and non-union talent.
Filming near Richmond, VA.  No travel or housing provided
You should be registered on their online castifi database to get first consideration.
They are hoping to find local hires in Virginia for these roles.
They are filming 5 days a week, now through early November.
To be considered for roles, submit photos, headshots, sizes and resume to:
To be considered for other non-speaking roles, please wait for those breakdowns and follow instructions.
They will consider both Union and Non-Union Talent.
For more information go to
Good Luck!


for current Non-Union Corporate Video Campaign.  This is a paid shoot.
We are seeking actors with experience in corporate training or instructional videos as a host or spokesperson.
Both male and female and all races may apply.
Union and Non-Union encouraged to submit.
Also, please send a link to your reel that includes your previous HOST / SPOKESPERSON work.
Shoot dates have not been set yet, but it will be sometime in September.
Please send the following information to
Current headshot or Comp Card                 Current Picture – Full Body shot
Current Resume                                              Phone numbers:
Cell Number:                                                    Email addresses:
Full Address:                                                    Age Range:
Height:                                                               Weight:
Wardrobe Sizes:                                              Union Status:
If you are not used in this current project, you will still be considered for future projects unless you state otherwise in your email.
Please submit information to
Casting Calls

Commercial for Biking Kids
Age range: 8-12
Ethnicity: African American
Day Rate: Paid (TBD)
Audition date: (TBD)
Shoot Dates: First week of May
Shoot Location: Williamsburg
Union and Non-Union can apply

Age range: 24-55
Ethnicity: Any
Roles:  Corporate Management  / Store Managers
Day Rate: $200.00
Audition date: 9-9-11 and 9-12-11
Shoot Dates: 9-15-11 and 9-16-11
Shoot Location: Richmond Area
Union and Non-Union can apply
TWO ways TO BE CONSIDERED: Attend an OPEN CASTING CALL (in person) OR AUDITION ONLINE (from anywhere in the world).


Open Calls:

ONLINE CASTING CALL (if unable to attend an open call):

Deadline: ASAP or by 11/20  

Final Act Drama Talent  – Casting Call

Carol Grant Casting is casting for background and extras for the Showtime series “The Good Lord Bird”.

Please email Headshot, pictures, resume, wardrobe sizes, etc to: 

NOTE: These roles will work in Virginia.

Please submit promptly for consideration.

No Phone calls please to Final Act Drama!  This is just a courtesy email to help you find acting opportunities.  Please do your own due diligence to find out more about this project.

Final Act Drama Talent  – Casting Call

Casting the role of an on-camera spokesperson in a safety video being produced for an international corporation. Filming in the Charlottesville area is set for Thursday, August 15th with a rain date of Friday, August 16th. Please email your VIDEO SUBMISSIONS of the sides below and the following details to

SIDES: “You are required to wear personal protective equipment or PPE in the manufacturing areas. This includes shipping and receiving docks, engineer and quality labs, and technician areas… You’ll find dispensers for safety glasses here, where one size fits all. And over there, a set of cubbies with steel-toed slip-on shoe covers. Slip it on, and make sure that the fit is snug enough to stay put.”

Please submit promptly for consideration.

No Phone calls please!

Final Act Drama Talent Connection announces a casting call for

Full Name:                                                        Reel Link:

Please put HOST / SPOKESPERSON in the subject line in caps.

Final Act Drama Talent Connection announces a casting call for commercial shooting in early May 2012.

We are in the need of:

Boys and Girls

Please submit a current resume, headshot, phone number, and current city to with a subject heading of Biking Commercial – MALE/FEMALE – AGE RANGE.  Pictures can be sent as a JPG or PDF.  Resume should be sent as a DOC file or PDF and copied into the body of the email.

Submissions need to be received ASAP! (4-16-12)

No phone calls please!

Final Act Drama Talent Connection announces a casting call for multiple corporate training videos for large US corporation.  These are speaking roles.

We are in the need of:

Men and Women

Please submit a current resume, headshot, phone number, and current city to with a subject heading of MANAGEMENT TRAINING VIDEOS – MALE/FEMALE – AGE RANGE.  Pictures can be sent as a JPG or PDF.  Resume should be sent as a DOC file or PDF and copied into the body of the email.

Submissions need to be received by 1pm Thursday, Sept.8, 2011.

No phone calls please!

Casting Calls for new project

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